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C++ reference


This is a list of operators in the C and C++ programming languages. All the operators listed exist in C++; the fourth column “Included in C”, states whether an operator is also present in C. Note that C does not support operator overloading.

When not overloaded, for the operators &&, ||, and , (the comma operator), there is a sequence point after the evaluation of the first operand.

C++ also contains the type conversion operators const_cast, static_cast, dynamic_cast, and reinterpret_cast. The formatting of these operators means that their precedence level is unimportant.

Most of the operators available in C and C++ are also available in other languages such as C#, D, Java, Perl, and PHP with the same precedence, associativity, and semantics.

For the purposes of these tables, a, b, and c represent valid values (literals, values from variables, or return value), object names, or lvalues, as appropriate. R, S and T stand for any type(s), and K for a class type or enumerated type.

Type Name Syntax Can overload in C++ Included in C C++ prototype example: as member of K C++ prototype example: outside class definitions
arithmetic Assignment a = b Yes Yes R& K::operator =(S b); N/A
arithmetic Addition a + b Yes Yes R K::operator +(S b); R operator +(K a, S b);
arithmetic Subtraction a - b Yes Yes R K::operator -(S b); R operator -(K a, S b);
arithmetic Unary plus (integer promotion) +a Yes Yes R K::operator +(); R operator +(K a);
arithmetic Unary minus (additive inverse) -a Yes Yes R K::operator -(); R operator -(K a);
arithmetic Multiplication a * b Yes Yes R K::operator *(S b); R operator *(K a, S b);
arithmetic Division a / b Yes Yes R K::operator /(S b); R operator /(K a, S b);
arithmetic Modulo (integer remainder)4 a % b Yes Yes R K::operator %(S b); R operator %(K a, S b);
arithmetic Increment prefix ++a Yes Yes R& K::operator ++(); R& operator ++(K& a);
arithmetic Increment postfix a++ Yes Yes R K::operator ++(int);5 R operator ++(K& a, int);5
arithmetic Decrement Prefix --a Yes Yes R& K::operator --(); R& operator --(K& a);
arithmetic Decrement Postfix a-- Yes Yes R K::operator --(int);6 R operator --(K& a, int);6
bitwise Bitwise NOT ~a
compl a7
Yes Yes R K::operator ~(); R operator ~(K a);
bitwise Bitwise AND a & b
a bitand b7
Yes Yes R K::operator &(S b); R operator &(K a, S b);
bitwise Bitwise OR a | b
a bitor b7
Yes Yes R K::operator |(S b); R operator |(K a, S b);
bitwise Bitwise XOR a ^ b
a xor b7
Yes Yes R K::operator ^(S b); R operator ^(K a, S b);
bitwise Bitwise left shift 8 a << b Yes Yes R K::operator <<(S b); R operator <<(K a, S b);
bitwise Bitwise right shift 8 9 a >> b Yes Yes R K::operator >>(S b); R operator >>(K a, S b);
logical Logical negation (NOT) !a
not a7
Yes Yes bool K::operator !(); bool operator !(K a);
logical Logical AND a && b
a and b7
Yes Yes bool K::operator &&(S b); bool operator &&(K a, S b);
logical Logical OR a || b
a or b7
Yes Yes bool K::operator ||(S b); bool operator ||(K a, S b);
member and pointer Subscript a[b] Yes Yes R& K::operator [](S b); N/A
member and pointer Indirection (“object pointed to by a”) *a Yes Yes R& K::operator *(); R& operator *(K a);
member and pointer Address-of (“address of a”) &a Yes Yes R* K::operator &(); R* operator &(K a);
member and pointer Structure dereference (“member b of object pointed to by a”) a->b Yes Yes R* K::operator ->();10 N/A
member and pointer Structure reference (“member b of object a”) a.b No Yes N/A N/A
member and pointer Member selected by pointer-to-member b of object pointed to by a3 a->*b Yes No R& K::operator ->*(S b); R& operator ->*(K a, S b);
member and pointer Member of object a selected by pointer-to-member b a.*b No No N/A N/A
other Function call (see Function object) a(a1, a2) Yes Yes R K::operator ()(S a, T b, ...); N/A
other Comma a, b Yes Yes R K::operator ,(S b); R operator ,(K a, S b);
other Ternary conditional a ? b : c No Yes N/A N/A
other Scope resolution a::b No No N/A N/A
other User-defined literals11 (since C++11) "a"_b Yes No N/A R operator "" _b(T a)
other Size-of sizeof (a)12
sizeof (type)
No Yes N/A N/A
other Size of parameter pack (since C++11) sizeof...(Args) No No N/A N/A
other Align-of (since C++11) alignof (type) or _Alignof (type)13 No Yes N/A N/A
other Type identification typeid (a)
typeid (type)
No No N/A N/A
other Conversion (C-style cast) (type) a No Yes N/A N/A
other Conversion 14 type(a) No No N/A N/A
other static_cast conversion15 static_cast<type>(a) Yes No K::operator R(); explicit K::operator R(); (since C++11)
other dynamic cast conversion dynamic_cast<type>(a) No No N/A N/A
other const_cast conversion const_cast<type>(a) No No N/A N/A
other reinterpret_cast conversion reinterpret_cast<type>(a) No No N/A N/A
other Allocate storage new type Yes No void* K::operator new(size_t x); void* operator new(size_t x);
other Allocate storage (array) new type[n] Yes No void* K::operator new[](size_t a); void* operator new[](size_t a);
other Deallocate storage delete a Yes No void K::operator delete(void *a); void operator delete(void *a);
other Deallocate storage (array) delete[] a Yes No void K::operator delete[](void *a); void operator delete[](void *a);
other Exception check (since C++11) noexcept(a) No No N/A N/A
relational Equal to a == b Yes Yes bool K::operator ==(S const& b); bool operator ==(K const& a, S const& b);
relational Not equal to a != b
a not_eq b7
Yes Yes bool K::operator !=(S const& b); bool K::operator !=(S const& b) const; bool operator !=(K const& a, S const& b);
relational Greater than a > b Yes Yes bool K::operator >(S const& b) const; bool operator >(K const& a, S const& b);
relational Less than a < b Yes Yes bool K::operator <(S const& b)const; bool operator <(K const& a, S const& b);
relational Greater than or equal to a >= b Yes Yes bool K::operator >=(S const& b) const; bool operator >=(K const& a, S const& b);
relational Less than or equal to a <= b Yes Yes bool K::operator <=(S const& b); bool operator <=(K const& a, S const& b);

augmented assignment operators

In C, C++, and C#, the assignment operator is =, which is augmented as follows:

Operator` Description
+= Addition
-= Subtraction
*= Multiplication
/= Division
%= Modulus
<<= Left bit shift
>>= Right bit shift
&= Bitwise AND
^= Bitwise exclusive OR
|= Bitwise inclusive OR


Some rights reserved: CC BY-SA 3.0. Includes significant content from Augmented assignment§C descendants and Operators in C and C++ on Wikipedia, with changes made.

  1. "Integers implementation", GCC 4.3.3, GNU. 

  2. Explicit type conversion in C++ 

  3. Meyers, Scott (Oct 1999), "Implementing operator->* for Smart Pointers" (PDF), Dr.Dobbs, Aristeia. 

  4. The modulus operator works just with integer operands, for floating point numbers a library function must be used instead (like fmod). 

  5. C++ uses the unnamed dummy-parameter int to differentiate between prefix and postfix increment operators. 

  6. C++ uses the unnamed dummy-parameter int to differentiate between prefix and postfix decrement operators. 

  7. Requires iso646.h in C. See C++ operator synonyms 

  8. In the context of iostreams, writers often will refer to << and >> as the “put-to” or “stream insertion” and “get-from” or “stream extraction” operators, respectively. 

  9. According to the C99 standard, the right shift of a negative number is implementation defined. Most implementations, e.g., the GCC,1 use an arithmetic shift (i.e., sign extension), but a logical shift is possible. 

  10. The return type of operator->() must be a type for which the -> operation can be applied, such as a pointer type. If x is of type C where C overloads operator->(), x->y gets expanded to x.operator->()->y

  11. About C++11 User-defined literals 

  12. The parentheses are not necessary when taking the size of a value, only when taking the size of a type. However, they are usually used regardless. 

  13. C++ defines alignof operator, whereas C defines _Alignof. Both operators have the same semantics. 

  14. For prototype examples, behaves like const_cast/static_cast/reinterpret_cast2 

  15. For prototype examples, for user-defined conversions, the return type implicitly and necessarily matches the operator name.