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finding freely-licensed content



Google is used here because Bandcamp lacks its own license-based search. This is flawed solution to the problem, as it relies on Google's secondhand data, and returns all Creative Commons license varieties without the ability to narrow down the results. It is likely to produce incorrect results, and it could stop working at any time.

Enter site:** intext:"some rights reserved" intext:"name your price" -intext:"individual track pages" into the Google search bar, then sort the results by date.

Free Music Archive



The Free Music Archive is closing, so these instructions are no longer useful. Refer to Archiveteam's page for further information.



This is an incomplete explanation.

  • The music-filter-CC-attribution-only=on, music-filter-CC-attribution-sharealike=1, music-filter-public-domain=1 parts of the query string search for music licensed Attribution Only, Attribution-Sharealike, or Public Domain.
  • The sort=track_date_published part of the query string sorts the results by date in descending order.
  • The per_page=200 part of the query string displays 200 results per page.


No rights reserved: CC0 1.0.