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using speech synthesis

synthesizing speech as an audio signal

It is also possible to synthesize speech from a text file.

synthesizing English speech using audio output and the Festival Speech Synthesis System


  • Foo bar? Baz. represents text to be synthesized as speech.

Use echo "Foo bar? Baz." | festival --tts.

The Festival Speech Synthesis System provides multiple possible voices.

synthesizing United States English speech using the default audio device and eSpeak NG


  • Foo bar? Baz. represents text to be synthesized as speech.

Use espeak-ng -v "gmw/en-US" "Foo bar? Baz.".

Use espeak-ng --voices to list available voices or espeak-ng --voices=en to list available English voices.


Voice files prefixed with mb/ (MBROLA) cannot be used.



This is an incomplete explanation.

  • The -v "gmw/en-US" option uses the gmw/en-US voice file, with a VoiceName of english-us.


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