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installing beets



These are incomplete instructions.

Install pip, then use sudo -H pip install beets.


Install pip, use sudo -H pip install beets, then use beet config -p to find the config.yaml YAML-formatted text configuration file for beets (or create it if it doesn't exist) and customize it with:

directory: /foo/bar/baz
library: /foo/bar/baz/musiclibrary.db
  move: yes
plugins: edit play
  ^filename::^$: $filename
  ^disc:00: $albumartist - $album - $disc - $track - $title
  album::^$: $artist - $title
  default: $albumartist - $album - $track - $title

where /foo/bar/baz is the path to where the music is stored.


The singleton field does not seem to function correctly when used to set the file name for imported files. A workaround is to use album::^$: $artist - $title instead.

Use beet import /foo/bar to add some music, where /foo/bar is the path to the music to be imported, then ensure that the plugins work. The Edit plugin requires changing the environment variable $EDITOR to gedit and not Kate with export EDITOR="/usr/bin/gedit".

Personal experience

Tested in Kubuntu 16.10 and 17.10.


Use pip install beets to install beets, then use beet config -p to find the config.yaml YAML-formatted text configuration file for beets and customize it with:

directory: /foo/bar/baz
library: /foo/bar/baz/musiclibrary.db
plugins: edit play

where /foo/bar/baz is the path to where the music is stored.


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